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"No Update, is the Update"

Our Top 10 Steps to be 'Better at Communicating'

(3 minute read)

We have come to the realisation that it is never the technical skills that prevent a business getting to the next step in the process, but often the communication. Whether that is communicating with, 

  • Your team on a daily basis 

  • Contractors who provide product or service to your business or,

  • Shareholders and stakeholders about the businesses position and direction

We can all be better at communicating. Here are our Top 10 Steps, 

1)    Active Listening: One of the fundamental building blocks of effective communication is active listening. This involves giving your full attention to the speaker, refraining from interrupting, and asking clarifying questions when necessary. By practicing active listening, you ensure that the message being conveyed is fully understood, reducing the chances of miscommunication

2)    Clarity: Simplicity in communication is key. Using straightforward language and emphasizing key points can significantly enhance understanding. Fewer words can actually reduce the potential for confusion, making your message more accessible and impactful

3)    Leadership: Leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone for effective communication within a business. They should serve as role models, demonstrating the art of effective communication in their interactions. By doing so, they inspire others to follow suit and foster a culture of open and clear communication

4)    Correct Channel: Choosing the right communication medium for each situation is vital. Whether it's in-person meetings, phone calls, text messages, or emails, consistency and appropriateness are key. Understanding which medium is best suited for a specific purpose helps ensure that your message reaches its intended audience effectively

5)    Feedback Loop: Creating an environment that encourages open feedback among colleagues is essential. Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement should be welcomed and valued. This continuous feedback loop not only helps individuals grow but also enhances overall team communication

6)    Empathy: Effective communication goes beyond words. It involves understanding and acknowledging the emotions and perspectives of others. Practicing empathy allows you to connect on a deeper level, fostering trust and better relationships within your team or organization

7)    Documentation: Documenting important information in writing is a valuable practice. It serves as a reference point for everyone involved and reduces the risk of misunderstandings or forgotten details. This practice ensures that everyone is on the same page

8)    Visual Guidance: Recognize that people have different learning styles. Using visual aids can be incredibly helpful when conveying complex information. Visuals, such as charts, diagrams, and graphs, provide a clear and concise way to supplement verbal communication

9)    Time Management: Effective communication involves planning and managing your time efficiently. When meetings are well-organized and purposeful, they not only save time but also contribute to a team's ability to work cohesively toward common goals

10) Conflict Resolution: Addressing conflicts promptly and constructively is crucial. Creating a safe and productive space for dialogue is essential for resolving issues. Making notes and documenting resolutions ensures that everyone understands the outcome and contributes to a harmonious work environment.

Regan's insight, "No update is the update", underscores the importance of proactive communication. In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to keep colleagues, contractors, shareholders and stakeholders informed about project statuses and potential delays. Over-communicating can help ensure that no one is left in the dark, and assumptions about the progress of tasks can be avoided.

Effective communication is a continuous journey that requires intentional effort from everyone. By following these ten steps, individuals and businesses can enhance their communication skills and ultimately achieve better outcomes. It's important to remember that no one is perfect at communication, but by focusing on improvement, we can all become more adept communicators. So, what steps will you take to enhance your communication skills this week?